Meet The Leadership & Staff

Pastor Mary Perkins

senior Pastor

Isaiah 40:31 “But they that wait upon the Lord they shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles they shall run and not Be weary and they shall walk and not faint.“

As Pastor, I believe in praising the Lord, for his many blessings. I was installed as in May 2014, the mother of four adults three sons One daughter, and four great grandchildren. I believe in giving God a radical Praise. I am the Sunday School Superintendent Received my Associates Degree in Evangelism and received my BA in Theology, I truly thank God for his many blessings I pray that Our Lord and Savior take me on a level where he needs me. God bless.

Elder Annette McBryde

Assistant Pastor

My favorite scripture is:

2 Chronicles 7:14

“If my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

I am the assistant pastor for Pastor Perkins, as well as the president of the women’s department, member of the Samaritan daughters. I was inspired to write two plays (Sista to Sista, and I cried my last tear). I am the mother of two adults, (son and a daughter), six granddaughters and four great-granddaughters and one great-grandson. Being a part of Mt. Carmel has truly been a blessing, so many different ministries grow out of this ministry. Because we can say we can do all things through Christ that strengthen us, in any given situation the Lord has a way of making things work.

God bless.

Elder Obbie Boston

Elder | Sunday School/Bible study teacher

Obbie serves as an Elder with Mt. Carmel COCWIH. He and his wife Megan or as he would call her his “Love” have 5 children and both of them grew up in New Jersey. Obbie has a dedicated passion for the Lord’s work. He is gifted in teaching and preaching God's word in an effective way as he rightly divides the word of truth, you can notice his great excitement of God’s word, our own Pastor Mary Perkins calls him (Elder Happy Feet) because he loves praising the Lord. He has attended Grace Bible College where he studied Leadership in ministry.

Minister Ellis L. Abram

Minister |Sunday school/bible study teacher | youth minister |musician

As a lifelong member of this church, his desire to see it flourish and grow and be a place where God will send His souls, grows every day. God gave him the desire and the zeal to teach His word and gave him a big heart for the youth of today. He believes the best part about teaching is learning. He is the bass player and keyboardist for the choir and worship team and devotes his time to perfecting a praise for God.


Our Trustees maintain the church, it’s facilities and the building itself. They work closely with leadership to secure a safe and functional worship experience. The Trustee takes oversight of the natural side of Church work.

  • Trustee William Crandle

Mother Board

Our Church Mothers work closely with the Pastor, assist in the various functions of Communion and work closely with the woman’s department, guiding and teaching the women in holy, virtuous living.

  • Mother Mary Crandle

  • Mother Porter


Our administrative staff keep a close & careful record of all business and work of the church. They keep accurate membership records and report annually to the Presiding Elder.

  • Sister Carol Sutton

  • Sister Annie Abram

  • Sister Felita Johnson

Social Media Director

Our Social Media Director, working closely with the Youth Minister, Elders and Pastor, control and maintain the church’s online presence. The Social Media Director manages the various social media pages, providing insight into who the church is and spreading the message of Jesus Christ to the world.

  • Glorious Averette